Wednesday 5 June 2019

World Environment Day | 5-Jun

 What we are doing forest of the world is but a reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and one another.
By Mahatma Gandhi
#WorldEnvironmentDay #amarpushpsociety #WorldEnvironmentDay2019 #CleanNoida

Sunday 26 May 2019

Won Women Achiever Award - 2019

Gitanjali Kushwaha, founder of Amarpushp Educational and Welfare Society
has been awarded by National Women Achivers Award - 2019 for exceptional work in
"Rural Children Education and Women Enterpreneur Development" at Hotel Radison, Gurugram.
Gitanjali Kushwaha is running Amarpushp society since 8 years and working on Education, Art, Women Enterpreneurship and Skill Development.

#amarpushpsociety #contributeanotebook #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurship #ruralchildreneducation #freeeducation #gitanjali11 #ashishkushwaha11

Tuesday 30 April 2019

3rd National Drawing Competition Coming Soon

Amarpushp Educational And Welfare Society is launching its National Drawing Competition Soon under project Expression | A Thought. This is great opportunity for the children to participate, express, learn and awareness forum for social issues. Required Sponsors for this. Required Partners for this: 1. Radio Partner 2. Medical Partner (Hospital) 3. Execution Partner (School, NGO) 4. CSR Partner Interested people can connect with our team by sending email to :
hashtagamarpushpsociety hashtagamarpushpexpression hashtagcsr hashtagcompetition hashtagdrawingcompetition hashtagchildren hashtagngo hashtagchildrensrights

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Contribute a Notebook media coverage by Jansaata

Contribute a Notebook

अमरपुष्प एजुकेशनल एंड वेलफेयर सोसाइटी एक अभियान शुरू कर रही है जिससे आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़े बालक बालिकाओं को को शिक्षा के लिए जरूररी वस्तुएं उपलब्ध कराई जा सके| इस अभियान का नाम है "कंट्रीब्यूट आ नोटबुक ". इस अभियान के माद्यम से हम लोगों से अपील करते हैं की जब वह अपने बच्चे के लिए किताब कॉपी खरीदें तो एक नोटबुक और पेंसिल एक गरीब बच्चे के लिए भी ले और किसी जरूरत मंद बचे को दें या हमसे संपर्क करें. | +91 9971152811 Ashish Kushwaha hashtagContributeANotebook

Contribute a Notebook

Amarpushp Educational And Welfare Society campaign "Contribute A Notebook" is launched by Saurabh Jain, Vice President, Paytm during the event of Build for India. By this campaign we want to do appeal with all resident that in this April when you go to purchase stationary for new educational session of your child/brother/sister then at least one notebook you must purchase for underprivileged children and give it them to support their education. I would like to appreciate Ashish Kushwaha to create this concept. His vision is to stand at least one person for one underprivileged children to support their education. We would request to company and organization to allow our team to come to your campus and contribute a notebook by each employee and that is will be the great help for support the education of underprivileged children. We also need other items like pen, pencil, color etc. for proper education. We need your support and help us to help underprivileged people. +91 997115281 hashtagContributeANotebook hashtagamarpushpsociety hashtagashishkushwaha11 hashtagGitanjali11 hashtagcsr hashtageducation hashtagnotebook hashtagbook hashtagpen hashtagpencil hashtagrighttoeducation hashtagsabpadhesabbadhe hashtagsarvashikshaabhiyaan hashtagunderprivileged hashtagfreeeducation hashtaggirlseducation